It is believed that toenail fungus is a purely aesthetic problem and can not harm human health. This position is extremely incorrect, as toxins produced by pathogenic fungi enter the bloodstream, causing intoxication of the body and can lead to very serious consequences. In addition, a sick person is a source of infection and can infect a large number of others.

Reasons for the appearance
Onychomycosis - a fungal infection of the nail plates of the feet or hands - is most common in people who lead an active lifestyle: visiting swimming pools, gyms, spas, vacations in seaside resorts.
Getting on the skin and nails of a person with strong immunity, the spores of the fungus are dormant for some time. Their transition to development and reproduction can occur under the influence of such factors:
- weakening of the body's defenses due to viral diseases,
- diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and other endocrine diseases,
- stress, excessive nervous and emotional excitement,
- varicose veins of the lower extremities, disrupting normal blood circulation,
- bruises, abrasions, cracks and other injuries to the feet and nails,
- long stay in closed shoes, which leads to increased sweating,
- wearing synthetic tights or socks,
- metabolic disorders, obesity,
- non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

The risk group includes people with chronic pathologies of the internal organs - kidneys, liver, bile ducts, as well as patients who take long-term antibiotics, hormonal drugs, including birth control pills.
Types of onychomycosis
There are more than 500 opportunistic fungi that can parasitize human skin and nails.
The most common causes of onychomycosis are:
- Dermatophytes. These include fungi such as Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. The disease begins in the nail plates and, if left untreated, spreads throughout the foot.
- Yeast Candida. In most cases, the infection occurs in places with high humidity - saunas, baths or swimming pools.
- Mold, the main sign of defeat of which is a change in nail color - from dirty green to brown and black.
First, the fungus affects the nail of the thumb, and then passes to the rest, at least on the little finger. All types of onychomycosis are accompanied by severe itching in the interdigital area, burning and unpleasant putrid odor caused by the decomposition of waste products of the fungus.

Stages of the disease
Each type of fungus requires treatment with drugs. Before making an appointment, the doctor must understand the stage of the disease and determine the degree of damage to the nail plate.
Depending on the clinical picture, the following stages of onychomycosis are distinguished:
- Normotrophic - the initial stage of the disease, in which the nails gradually change color, spots and streaks appear on them. The nail plate still retains its normal shape, thickness and healthy shine.
- Hypertrophic. The nail thickens, becomes dull and brittle, crumbles at the edges. The patient experiences pain when walking in tight shoes.
- Atrophic. In full accordance with the name of the stage, the nail is quickly destroyed, bent and separated from the nail bed. The plate becomes much thinner and under it brownish spots appear - foci of pathogen invasion. In the end, the nail is completely torn off.

The more advanced the disease, the longer and harder it is to get rid of it. If in the initial normotrophic stage it is possible to cure onychomycosis with the help of traditional medicine, then in the last stages it is often necessary to resort even to the removal of affected nails by surgical methods.
To start treatment on time, you need to understand how onychomycosis of the nails manifests itself at each stage.

In the initial stage, the main signs of nail fungus are reddening of the skin in the interdigital area, accompanied by mild peeling and itching. Subsequently, the symptoms of fungal infection develop in the following sequence:
- the nail fold becomes red, swollen and painful,
- the nail begins to change color from dirty yellow to black, depending on the type of pathogen,
- spots, grooves, tubercles and streaks appear on the surface of the plate,
- the nail thickens and exfoliates,
- a white mass accumulates in the subungual space, emitting an unpleasant odor,
- the keratinized nail plate begins to crumble at the edges,
- the nail is completely exfoliated from the bed and discarded.

Feet affected by nail fungus can look extremely uncomfortable to others, so the patient is forced to hide them, which is especially difficult during the warm season. In addition, onychomycosis causes complications.
What is a dangerous disease
The reluctance of many patients to see a doctor in the early stages or the inability to recognize the first symptoms of onychomycosis leads to its transition to a chronic form that can last a lifetime. At the same time, with normal immunity, the fungus will "freeze" at a certain level and each of the above-mentioned provoking factors can again transfer the disease into an active phase.
The following categories fall into the risk group for complications of fungal nail infections:
- children under 12 years,
- pregnant,
- women during breastfeeding,
- people of the older generation.

Against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses in these individuals, the disease will pass quickly, which will lead to further weakening of immunity and such possible consequences:
- allergic reactions to bronchial asthma,
- worsening of the course of chronic diseases of the internal organs,
- intoxication of the body due to the penetration of toxins into the blood,
- dysbacteriosis,
- the appearance of new foci of inflammation on the skin,
- nervous system disorders, psychological problems.
Since mycosis of the nails refers to infectious diseases, not only the sick person himself, but all his personal belongings are a constant source of infection for others. If onychomycosis is found in a woman during pregnancy, there is a risk that the unborn baby will be born with a predisposition to allergies.
Fungal diseases of the skin and nails are treated by dermatologists or mycologists. For a consultation you can contact the clinic or dermatovenereological dispensary where these specialists are admitted.
After an interview with the patient, the doctor will be able to draw a picture of the onset and development of the disease. The following measures will help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment:
- visual inspection of the affected nails with a Wood ultraviolet lamp,
- taking pieces of skin and nails for examination,
- general blood and urine tests.
The biomaterial obtained as a result of scraping is sent to the laboratory, where it is examined under a microscope, which makes it possible to determine the fungal nature of the disease.

In order to clarify the type and strain of pathogenic microorganisms, the cultures of the fungi are placed in a nutrient medium and optimal conditions for their development are created. After 10-14 days, according to the type and shape of the colonies, it is possible not only to identify the pathogen, but also to establish its response to the most common drugs.
The fastest and most accurate method is considered to be PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The biomaterial is processed by special enzymes that allow the study of fungi at the DNA level. As a result, the type of pathogen is determined and its exact description is given.
Based on the above procedures, the patient is given a final diagnosis and an optimal scheme is developed for the fastest possible removal of the fungus.

Dermatologists promise a positive prognosis for onychomycosis only if the patient strictly follows all their prescriptions and recommendations.
In most cases, complex treatment is performed, which includes the use of external ointments, creams and varnishes, oral antifungal drugs and methods of alternative therapy.
Keratolytics are used to soften and remove the affected nail plate. You can also get rid of the manifestations of fungal infection with the help of special varnishes.
Oral antifungal antibiotics are prescribed in cases where the nail fungus has advanced to an advanced stage or there is a risk of developing a secondary infection that may be caused by pathogenic bacteria in the affected areas.
You can speed up the healing process by using traditional healers at home. According to the patients, the following procedures are the most effective:
- baths with baking soda or decoctions of medicinal herbs,
- apple cider vinegar lotion
- compresses with tincture of celandine,
- ointments based on propolis and other bee products.
To destroy pathogenic microorganisms, before applying antifungal drugs, nails can be treated with essential oils of cinnamon, cloves, fir, oregano or lemon.
Many dermatological centers offer laser fungus removal of the fungus. This procedure, which allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the affected nail plate, is performed on an outpatient basis.

How can you get fungus
Onychomycosis is a contagious fungal disease that is easily transmitted from person to person through home contact.
Most often this happens:
- when walking barefoot in public places with high humidity - saunas, spas, gyms, swimming pools, on the beach,
- when you try on or wear someone else's shoes or knitwear,
- through bed linen, towels, towels, brushes and other personal items.
When visiting a manicure salon, it is necessary to pay attention to the disinfection of instruments, as in many cases the infection with the fungus occurs through the fault of unscrupulous employees of beauty salons.

To prevent the growth of pathogenic fungi, even when they get on your nails or skin, you need to take care of your health and strengthen your immune system by following these recommendations:
- Give up bad habits.
- Keeping shape.
- Spend more time outdoors.
- Balance your diet by including foods that contain nutrients and vitamins.
- Observe personal hygiene.
- Cure all chronic diseases in a timely manner.
- Wear quality shoes and knitwear that do not restrict or hang your feet.
- Shoes used in the pool, gym or on the beach should be regularly treated with disinfectants.
Once you find incomprehensible changes in the skin or nails, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist to start treatment as early as possible and get rid of the fungus as soon as possible.